The more experience a doctor has in the hair transplant industry, the better their technique is leading to more impressive results. Our experts have created a points scale to measure the years of experience a doctor has to add to the Medihair score. To receive the full 10 points, a doctor must have 15 years or more of experience. If a doctor has between 10-15 years, they receive 7-9 points, if they have between 5-9 years of experience, they receive 4-6 points and if they have 1-4 years of experience, they receive 1-3 points.
Total Number of Hair Transplants
The total number of hair transplants a doctor performed, and how much of the surgery they did themselves is an indicator of their experience level. Our experts have created a scale to measure and weigh their total number of transplants in the Medihair score. A doctor who performs 100% of the surgery and only sees a single patient per day would receive 10 points for over 4,000 hair transplants and 9 points for over 3,000 hair transplants. For doctors who see more than one patient a day or supervise parts of the transplant receive 8 points for more than 5,000 surgeries and 7 points for more than 3,000 surgeries. For more than 2,000 surgeries a doctor will receive 6 points, for more than 1,000 surgeries a doctor will receive 5 points, for more than 500 surgeries a doctor will receive 4 points and for less than 500 points a doctor will receive 1-3 points.
Relevant Medical Societies
A good way to judge the quality of a surgeon’s work is by checking their qualifications and memberships with various hair transplant societies. Some examples of these include the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS), the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), and the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS). A doctor will receive 10 points for the Medihair score if they are a certified member of at least 4 hair restoration societies. A doctor will receive 9 points if they are a member of 3 hair restoration societies, 8 points if they are a member of 2 hair restoration societies, between 5-7 points for a single hair restoration society membership and 0 points if they are not a member of a hair restoration society.
The more cases a doctor publishes to Medihair, the more representative and reliable their Medihair score will be. If a doctor publishes more than 40 Medihair cases they will receive a full 10 points, for more than 20 published cases they will receive 9 points, for more than 10 published cases they will receive 8 points and for more than 5 published cases they will receive 7 points. For 3 or more published Medihair cases they will receive 6 points, for 2 published cases they will receive 5 points and for 1 published case they will receive 4 points.
Online Reviews & Authenticity
We review the hair transplant clinic’s reviews on other platforms and forums to help assess the authenticity and quality of the results they advertise. This ensures the information we gather is as unbiased as possible and accurate. If the doctor has published more than 50 in depth cases for review they will receive a full 10 points for their Medihair score, if they have published more than 30 in depth cases they will receive 9 points and if they have published more than 10 in depth cases they will receive 8 points. If the doctor hasn’t published many in-depth cases for review on another forum but has received at least 500 positive and authentic reviews they will receive 7 points. For more than 300 reviews they will receive 6 points, for more than 100 reviews they will receive 5 points and for less than 100 positive reviews they will receive 4 points.