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Dr. Karen Owen Written by Erin D. Updated on 30 Aug 2024
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Hair Transplant Scabs

Dr. Karen Owen

This text was written according to the highest scientific standards and reviewed by medical experts. Find out more about our quality assurance.

Written by Erin D. Updated on 30 Aug 2024

Most people still get confused and stressed when scabs start appearing 24 to 48 hours post hair transplant. Rest assured the appearance of scabs is absolutely normal after a hair restoration procedure. But to remove any lingering doubts about these crusty patches on your scalp, we at Medihair have taken it upon ourselves to explain what they are, why they form and how to deal with them.

Most Important Findings svg

Formation 24 hrs to 48 hrs
When shed? 1-2 weeks post-op
Treatment No scratching
Impact Positive

Formation of Scabs After Hair Transplant

The scabs that appear on your scalp after hair transplant surgery are no different than the scabs that appear when a wound is healing. They have the same purpose as well; to enable your scalp to heal and protect the wounds that were created during the operation. They may feel crusty, rough to the touch and outright ugly but they are helping the scars underneath heal themselves. 

Tiny scabs usually start appearing 24 to 48 hours after the procedure due to your body’s natural healing response. Over the course of the next week, these scabs become bigger, more noticeable and itchier. 

However, it is crucial you do not pick or scratch them so that you do not disrupt the healing process. Eventually, they start slowly shedding over the course of weeks 2 and 3. And are barely visible by week 4.

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Normal vs. Abnormal Scab Formation

Normal scab formation is crucial for the body’s healing mechanism to activate. Here is what normal scabs look like:

  • Color: These scabs start off with a reddish brown color and darken as the wound gets more dried out.
  • Size: Normal scabs usually appear quite small, equal to the size of the incisions they are covering up.
  • Texture: During the early stages scabs may appear moist or sticky but they eventually harden as the healing process enters its final stages. 

Now, this is what normal scabs should ideally look and feel like. However, if you have an infection or some other complications, you can expect these scabs to look a bit different and hurt much more than normal. 

Here is how you can detect signs of infections or complications from your scabs alone:

  • The redness that should be confined to the immediate area around your scab will spread and may even cause swelling.
  • You will feel persistence and gradually worsening pain in specific scabs.
  • Your scabs will turn yellow and even green, indicating pus accumulation. 

How to Care for Scabs Post-Hair Transplant

We should not have to tell you that the scabs that appear on your scalp post-transplant are very sensitive and vulnerable to tearing open if you pick at them. So, whatever you do make sure you do not scratch, pick or even touch any of your scabs, at least until day 6 of the recovery process. 

After that you can pat them gently if you feel the urge, but still no picking or scratching no matter how much it itches. Otherwise, you will only end up prolonging the healing process. 

However, you can slightly speed up the process by softening the scalp and crust formations. The hair care doctors suggest wetting your scalp and hair with warm water and gently rubbing your scabs with a conditioner. 

If done correctly, this should eat at and slowly dislodge the dry skin over your incisions. But you absolutely cannot use your nails during this process. 

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Timeline for Scab Shedding

We’ve already mentioned how scabs start appearing 24 – 48 hours after hair restoration surgery and continue to grow throughout week 1 and week 2 of post-op recovery. 

However, the good news is that normal scabs, unhampered by infection, usually start fading and shedding from week 3. And by the end of the 4th week, only a few scabs should remain, with your scalp appearing smoother and less irritated. 

Growth after hair transplantation

Of course, it is your duty to ensure that you don’t scratch or pick at these scabs at all during this period as that would increase the risk of infection. Plus, it would cause a lot of bleeding and may even restart the entire scabbing process. 

Provided you do not irritate your scabs any further and follow the general care instructions your doctor has provided to slowly make them wetter until they fall off, you should be scab-free a month after your procedure. 

Impact of Scabs on Hair Growth

First of all, these scabs form a protective layer over your grafts, saving them from infection and protecting the still-young hair follicles until they become stronger over time. Their protective efforts help these new follicles enter the normal growth cycle without disturbance. 

Which is why it is essential that you don’t pick at them because if they are removed prematurely they may end up dislodging the grafts they were protecting and doing irreversible damage to the hair follicle. 

That said, it is still important to keep your scalp clean and gently wash these scabs away after they have done their job because if they do end up sticking around for too long they can stop your hair follicles from reaching the next stage in the normal growth cycle.  



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