Will I Go Bald if My Dad Is Bald?

Dr. Karen Owen

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Written by Erin D. Updated on 5 Mar 2024

Male pattern baldness is prevalent in most men and hits everyone at different ages. According to studies, 80% of all men will start balding when they hit 70. While some will start experiencing some form of hair loss well before that time. Stats like these have got young people worried about the fate of their hair, especially if their dad is bald. Luckily, we have come up with a few answers to the most common questions on the topic to clear up some of the confusion you may have.

Most Important Findingssvg

Baldness Gene Androgen Receptor (AR)
Can hair loss affect women? Yes
Signs of Male Pattern Baldness No specific sign
What to do Finasteride, Hair Transplant...

Will I Go Bald if My Dad Is Bald?

Several studies have proven that hair loss, especially in men, is hereditary. That said, it is not always necessary that you get the baldness gene from your dad. In fact, it is actually a lot more complicated than that. 

Firstly, you should know that there is not just one single gene responsible for hair loss. Studies show that there are actually a total of 63 different genes that work together to activate hair loss. Plus, their influence is determined by other factors as well, such as your age, diet, and general health. 

Out of these the androgen receptor (AR) gene seems to have the biggest impact, which is why it is generally confused to be the baldness gene. What is surprising is that the AR gene actually exists in a man’s X chromosome and that X chromosome actually comes from your mom.  

Which is why most people believe that you’re more likely to receive the baldness gene from your mom’s side of the family. So, to put it shortly, the chances of you going bald are high if your dad is bald but it is by no means confirmed. 

Hair Loss in the Family (Androgenetic Alopecia)

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Will I Go Bald if My Mom Is Bald?

Genetics is a complicated subject where nothing is written in stone. Thus, even though you inherit your mom’s X chromosome that contains the AR gene, her being bald does not necessarily mean you will also go bald. 

What does increase your chances of early onset baldness is if her whole family or lineage has a history of baldness. Still, you can change your fate by following a better diet and lifestyle. 

Typical female pattern hair loss: The ludwig scale.

Will I Go Bald if My Grand Dad Is Bald?

Unfortunately, a history of baldness on your mum’s side of the family does increase your chances of developing early-onset baldness. Meaning you could start losing hair at the ripe age of 40. 

Researchers admit that the average phenotypic resemblance between a male and his maternal grandfather is actually greater than that between him and his paternal lineage. Thus confirming that your chances of going bald if your maternal grand dad is bald are higher. 


Typical male pattern hair loss: The norwood scale.

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How Does Baldness in the Family Affect Women?

It is quite well known that women experience less hair loss than men on average. In fact, a study conducted on female pattern hair loss confirmed that only about 40% of all women experience hereditary baldness by the age of 50. 

Women, like men, also have the AR gene. But unlike men, this gene can be inherited from either of their parents. And considering how women actually have two X chromosomes and no Y chromosomes, the logic suggests that they should be more prone to baldness than men. 

However, researchers suggest that there may be some different mechanisms at work in women causing them to develop female pattern baldness in the absence of androgens

Thus, we can sum up that while baldness in the family does affect women, it is still nowhere close to how much it affects men. 

Signs of Male Pattern Baldness

Unfortunately, there isn’t a specific medical test you can use to confirm if you are susceptible to male pattern baldness. The only way to find out for sure is to wait and watch for signs. 

Calculating how much hair you are losing in the shower is a great way to identify early signs of baldness. Losing 50 to 100 hairs on a daily basis is normal for men, but if you start losing more than regularly, then consulting a hair specialist may be your best move. 

Hair loss symptoms

What Can I Do Against Male Pattern Baldness?

If you watch for the signs and detect your progression towards baldness early, you could make some proactive decisions to treat the condition before you start showing. 

Medications like dutasteride, finasteride, and minoxidil can actually stop your hair loss from progressing if you are still in the early stages. 

A more permanent solution, however, is getting a hair transplant to restore the hair you have lost and promote new hair growth. 

Most common prescribed hair loss treatments



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