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Natalia R. Updated on 31 Oct 2023
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Clinic Expert Turkey

Price Range: $3,000 – $5,000
6.7 Reviews 7
The medihair clinic score is the average of all user ratings for the clinic. Learn more about the score.

Clinic Details

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Clinicexpert is a well-established player in the medical tourism industry with over a decade of experience. They have a global presence and a strong reputation for delivering high-quality healthcare services. Their primary goal is to match patients with the right treatment methods and trusted healthcare institutions. Clinicexpert boasts an expert team that collaborates with medical centers known for their advanced technology and excellence in patient care. Their commitment to providing high-quality service has established them as a leading company in the medical tourism sector, and they continue to expand their service network.

  • Video consultation:No
  • Location:Istanbul, Turkey
  • Languages:English

Methods and Prices



  • No big scar
  • Minimally-invasive
  • More time-consuming than FUT
  • Head must be completely shaven

Pros and Cons

  • No big scar
  • Minimally-invasive
  • More time-consuming than FUT
  • Head must be completely shaven

Duration & Aftercare

  • 3 - 8 hours depending on the hair loss degree.
  • After the FUE surgery periodic check-up with the doctor are advisable but often not necessary.

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Based on 7
Clinic Expert Turkey
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Mar 14, 2024
Attention attention arnaque
Beware scam

Attention attention: Je souhaiterais partager une expérience très désagréable que j’ai vécue lors de mon séjour en Turquie pour une intervention chirurgicale esthétique à la clinique Expert Clinic. On m’a assuré que le chirurgien, le Dr. Atilla Hacilar, était hautement qualifié et expérimenté. Le conseiller m’a envoyé son CV, mais les résultats de l’intervention ont été extrêmement décevants, voire catastrophiques. Il y a deux explications possibles : soit ce n’est pas lui qui m’a opéré, soit il n’est pas aussi expérimenté qu’on me l’a dit. Le résultat est très mauvais. Après un mois et demi, le résultat reste très insatisfaisant. J’ai des nodules aux yeux, la liposuccion a été un véritable échec, et Les cicatrices du lifting du cou sont très apparentes et peu flatteuses, ce qui est d’autant plus frustrant lorsque le résultat est très insatisfaisant. Initialement, on m’a dit que je ne devais pas retirer les fils car ils sont résorbables. Cependant, après un mois, un médecin esthétique m’a recommandé d’aller aux urgences pour les retirer car ma peau avait cicatrisé autour des fils, entraînant deux infections. J’ai contacté la clinique, mais ils n’ont pas répondu, ne prenant pas en considération mes préoccupations. Ne croyez pas aux belles paroles des conseillers. Le service postopératoire est inexistant, impersonnel et purement commercial. À éviter à tout prix.

Please note: I would like to share a very unpleasant experience I had during my stay in Turkey for cosmetic surgery at the Expert Clinic. I was assured that the surgeon, Dr. Atilla Hacilar, was highly qualified and experienced. The consultant sent me his CV, but the results of the operation were extremely disappointing, even catastrophic. There are two possible explanations: either he wasn’t the one who operated on me, or he’s not as experienced as I was told. The result is very bad. After a month and a half, the result is still very unsatisfactory. I have eye nodules, the liposuction was a complete failure, and the scars from the neck lift are very visible and unflattering, which is all the more frustrating when the result is so unsatisfactory. Initially, I was told that I didn’t have to remove the sutures because they were absorbable. However, after a month, an aesthetic doctor recommended that I go to the emergency room to have them removed because my skin had scarred around the threads, leading to two infections. I contacted the clinic, but they didn’t respond, not taking my concerns into consideration. Don’t believe the consultants’ fine words. The post-operative service is non-existent, impersonal and purely commercial. Avoid at all costs.

Other Treatment
Apr 30, 2024

Mi sono recata alla clinicexpert per un intervento di blefaroplastica completa. La mia referente per l italiano e stata Ersu , e sono stata operata da Hattila H. Attila H durante l intervento mi ha ustionato la parte sinistra dell occhio sinistro con il bisturi. Non sono stata avvisata di quello che era successo ed ho utilizzato con consiglio di Attila H cicatrizzante su un ustione. Risultato dell intervento e stato devastante , gli occhi sono completamente diversi, le cicatrici sono evidenti, ma la cosa più tragica che con l occhio sinistro quello ustionato vedo ombtato. Non affidatevi a queste persone non hanno i requisiti per interventi … attenzione ⚠️

I went to clinicexpert for a complete blepharoplasty surgery. My referral for the Italian was Ersu , and I was operated on by Hattila H. Attila H during the surgery burned the left side of my left eye with the scalpel. I was not warned of what had happened and I used with advice of Attila H healing on a burn. Result of the surgery was devastating , the eyes are completely different, the scars are obvious, but the most tragic thing that with the left eye the burned one I see ombt. Do not rely on these people do not qualify for surgery … be careful ⚠️

Other Treatment
May 25, 2024
Des voleurs

Ce sont des voleurs et menteurs, comme j’ai pu le voir sur un avis précédent avant le paiement ils sont très gentils, très avenant cependant une fois le paiement effectué plus aucun suivi et ne répondent même plus. ⚠️ Attention pratiques commerciales trompeuse, Dans mon cas leurs conseillers commerciaux m’ont indiqué qu’il me faudrait 2 opérations, une greffe classique dhi et une autre en prelevement de ma barbe pour compléter ma greffe (1450€+550€)hors lors de mon entrevue avec le médecin juste avant ma greffe celui ci m’a indiqué que c’était n’importe quoi et qu’une seule opération suffisait. Suite à ça on m’a dit ne vous inquiétez pas nous allons vous rembourser hors ils attendaient juste que je parte, ils ne m’ont jamais remboursé, ne me répondent plus et se permettent de vous dire que c’est vous le problème que ce n’est pas grave que personne ne répondent et que je ne devais pas m’inquiéter parce qu’on allait me rembourser, c’est le discours qu’on m’a tenu lorsque je suis allé demandé mon remboursement.Des VOLEURS et MENTEURS tout simplement.

They are thieves and liars, as I was able to see on a previous review before the payment they are very nice, very pleasant however once the payment made no more follow-up and do not even answer more. ⚠️ Beware of misleading commercial practices. In my case, their sales advisors told me that I would need 2 operations, a classic dhi graft and another by removing my beard to complete my graft (1450€+550€). However, during my interview with the doctor just before my graft, he told me that this was nonsense and that a single operation would suffice. I was told not to worry, we’ll reimburse you, but they were just waiting for me to leave. They’ve never reimbursed me, they don’t even reply to me anymore, and they take the liberty of telling you that you’re the problem, that it’s not a big deal that nobody replies, and that I shouldn’t worry because they’ll reimburse me.

Hair Transplant
Method: DHI
Age: 36
Grafts: 3450
Donor: Back of head and sides
Medication: No
Gender: Male
John Fullerton
Nov 29, 2023
Got to Clinic Expert
Got to Clinic Expert

Got to Clinic Expert and they set me up with a consultant right away, who gave me the rundown on the hair transplant procedure. The whole thing took about 6 hours and, no kidding, it didn’t hurt a bit. The staff there were super nice, really listened, and were on hand for any questions I had. They sorted out all my rides too, to and from the hotel, and even to the airport when I was coming and going from Istanbul. Anyone looking for some cosmetic touch-ups, especially a hair transplant—I got 3500 grafts—should give Clinic Expert a shout. Highly recommend!

Got to Clinic Expert and they set me up with a consultant right away, who gave me the rundown on the hair transplant procedure. The whole thing took about 6 hours and, no kidding, it didn’t hurt a bit. The staff there were super nice, really listened, and were on hand for any questions I had. They sorted out all my rides too, to and from the hotel, and even to the airport when I was coming and going from Istanbul. Anyone looking for some cosmetic touch-ups, especially a hair transplant—I got 3500 grafts—should give Clinic Expert a shout. Highly recommend!

Hair Transplant
Method: FUE
Grafts: 3500
Gender: Male
Teresa Benincasa
Feb 8, 2024
Ripeto esperienza meravigliosa
I repeat wonderful experience

Ripeto esperienza bellissima ,mi sono recata da loro per fare un lifting facciale e sono rimasta molto contenta di tutto il percorso ,ringrazio vivamente il dottor Attila che pe me è stato un artista ,ringrazio tutto il reparto che mi hanno fatto sentire come se fossi stata a casa mia e poi un grazie di particolare importanza ad Eray un ragazzo molto umile e di cuore e il tesoro più grande della clinica excspert ❤️

I repeat wonderful experience ,I went to them to do a face lift and I was very happy with the whole process ,I really thank Dr. Attila who pe me was an artist ,I thank all the department they made me feel like I was at home and then a special thanks to Eray a very humble and heartfelt guy and the greatest treasure of excspert clinic ❤️

Other Treatment
Ms. Michal
May 24, 2024
Exellent Experience
Exellent Experience

My experience with Clinic Expert was a great one…they took great care of me in the airport, hospital and through Whatsapp. Celine was a wonderful consultant and helped answer all my questions and calls on time. I was impressed with all their services. Celine is very important in my surgery process because she is the person who communicates with everyone what is necessary that I have to know. In general, She is a great communicator, respectful, well-informed, and humble. It’s a great personality keep it up, Cline! Also, my doctor was very nice and nice to talk to him and easy to communicate in English. I am so happy. I hope all the results will be good.🙏 Thank you all team & Celine!

My experience with Clinic Expert was a great one…they took great care of me in the airport, hospital and through Whatsapp. Celine was a wonderful consultant and helped answer all my questions and calls on time. I was impressed with all their services. Celine is very important in my surgery process because she is the person who communicates with everyone what is necessary that I have to know. In general, She is a great communicator, respectful, well-informed, and humble. It’s a great personality keep it up, Cline! Also, my doctor was very nice and nice to talk to him and easy to communicate in English. I am so happy. I hope all the results will be good.🙏
Thank you all team & Celine!

Other Treatment
Nov 16, 2024
L'une des meilleures cliniques
One of the best clinics

Mon expérience avec clinicexpert a été excellente. Ils ont pris soin de moi à l’aéroport, à l’hôtel. Je remercie énormément Layane qui a été une conseillère formidable et a répondu à toutes mes questions même après l’opération. J’ai été impressionné par les tous services.🙏🙏 Merci à toute l’équipe et à Layane !

My experience with clinicexpert was excellent. They took care of me at the airport and at the hotel. I am very grateful to Layane who was a wonderful advisor and answered all my questions even after the surgery. I was impressed with all the services.🙏🙏 Thank you to the whole team and Layane!

Hair Transplant
Method: DHI
Age: 21
Grafts: 1682
Donor: Back of head and sides
Medication: Finaterid
Gender: Male

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