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Natalia R. Updated on 14 Dec 2023
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Dr. Güncel Öztürk | Hairneva

Price Range: Below $3,000
3.3 Reviews 5
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Clinic Details

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Hairneva is offering hair surgery for over 8 years now. During this time, Dr. Güncel Öztürk and his team has performed over 4,000 hair transplants. Dr. Güncel Öztürk specializes in the FUE/DHI method for hair transplantation. The doctor is member of the ISAPS, ASPS and EBOPRAS.

  • Video consultation:No
  • Location:Istanbul, Turkey
  • Languages:German, English, Spanish, French

Methods and Prices


From $ 1,990


  • No big scar
  • Minimally-invasive
  • More time-consuming than FUT
  • Head must be completely shaven

Pros and Cons

  • No big scar
  • Minimally-invasive
  • More time-consuming than FUT
  • Head must be completely shaven

Duration & Aftercare

  • 3 - 8 hours depending on the hair loss degree.
  • After the FUE surgery periodic check-up with the doctor are advisable but often not necessary.

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Dr. Güncel Öztürk | Hairneva
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Feb 15, 2024
La catastrophe
The disaster

Rien à voir avec les vidéos sur YouTube le docteur go c’est juste pour la pub la personne qui opére on la connaît pas puisque c’est pas la même que sur youtube ça rigole pendant toute l’opération faut toujours réclamer car ils ne disent rien quand on demande le nombre de greffons ils le donnent mais pas dans le détail et le résultat est médiocre quand vous rentrez chez vous silence radio y’a pas de suivi lecprix c’est à la tête du client pas en fonction di nombre de greffons je ne recommande pas

Nothing to do with the videos on YouTube doctor go is just for advertising the person who operates we do not know because it is not the same as on youtube it laughs throughout the operation must always claim because they say nothing when you ask the number of grafts they give but not in detail and the result is mediocre when you go home radio silence there is no follow-up price is at the head of the customer not according to the number of grafts I do not recommend

Hair Transplant
May 25, 2023
United Kingdom
Be careful
Be careful

The online consultation was ok. I was asked a few questions and within 10 minutes we were through. After that, I received the offer. Seems to be a hair mill. Wouldnt go there.

The online consultation was ok. I was asked a few questions and within 10 minutes we were through. After that, I received the offer. Seems to be a hair mill. Wouldnt go there.

Arkan Tuzlu
Aug 25, 2023
2017 horrible hair transplant
2017 horrible hair transplant

I had a 2017 hair transplant, then I paid exactly 3000 dollars, I went trusting the name of the doctor Güncel Öztürk, but I have never seen the doctor’s face even once. I had hair transplantation with DHI pen method, but the result was the same as before the transplantation.
The situation is the same, maybe 20% of the transplanted hair held, the rest is always gone. I regret very much, the result was a fiasco for me. There is a doctor’s signature on the warranty certificate, but you know how to claim your rights in Turkey.
I read your article, but I’m not sure you read what I wrote thoroughly. I wrote 2017, and you wrote back that you couldn’t find a record of me in the last 3 years. If you want, belgin, I can publish the doctor’s signature and pictures here. Or can I send it to you by email?

I had a 2017 hair transplant, then I paid exactly 3000 dollars, I went trusting the name of the doctor Güncel Öztürk, but I have never seen the doctor’s face even once. I had hair transplantation with DHI pen method, but the result was the same as before the transplantation. The situation is the same, maybe 20% of the transplanted hair held, the rest is always gone. I regret very much, the result was a fiasco for me. There is a doctor’s signature on the warranty certificate, but you know how to claim your rights in Turkey. I read your article, but I’m not sure you read what I wrote thoroughly. I wrote 2017, and you wrote back that you couldn’t find a record of me in the last 3 years. If you want, belgin, I can publish the doctor’s signature and pictures here. Or can I send it to you by email?

Hair Transplant
Jul 10, 2023
United Kingdom
Hands off
Hands off

I had 3700 grafts transplanted at the time, which was also far too much. The bad thing is that I didn’t really want that much, it was just done. In retrospect, I realized that 3700 was far too many for such a small area (receding hairline). Because the grafts were transplanted too densely, they couldn’t settle properly, which meant that a good half of them fell out again. I also have small lumps in the transplanted area. A REAL expert, who later looked at my results again, said that this was due to the grafts being placed too densely and too deeply – “cobblestoning” in technical jargon. I don’t even want to talk about my donor area… I had to have it pigmented later because it felt like everything had been ripped out.
From a technical point of view, my operation was a complete disaster. So far, the decision to go to Hairneva has been the worst in my life. If I could, I would go back in time and pay 5 times as much somewhere else…
Shit happens.

I had 3700 grafts transplanted at the time, which was also far too much. The bad thing is that I didn’t really want that much, it was just done. In retrospect, I realized that 3700 was far too many for such a small area (receding hairline). Because the grafts were transplanted too densely, they couldn’t settle properly, which meant that a good half of them fell out again. I also have small lumps in the transplanted area. A REAL expert, who later looked at my results again, said that this was due to the grafts being placed too densely and too deeply – “cobblestoning” in technical jargon. I don’t even want to talk about my donor area… I had to have it pigmented later because it felt like everything had been ripped out. From a technical point of view, my operation was a complete disaster. So far, the decision to go to Hairneva has been the worst in my life. If I could, I would go back in time and pay 5 times as much somewhere else… Shit happens.

Hair Transplant
Method: FUE
Donor: Back of head and sides
Medication: Finaterid
Gender: Male
Jul 23, 2024
Greffe de cheveux
Hair transplant

Je souhaite partager avec vous mon expérience d’implantation de cheveux dont j’avais toujours peur de me lancer à la faire et ce qui m’a encouragé ce sont les témoignages de la plupart des personnes satisfaites du résultat, et le nombre de vidéos sur YouTube qui m’ont guidé à choisir “Hairneva” Sans hésitation, je tiens à vous remercier infiniment🙇‍♀️
Du coup j’ai pris l’avion le 17 juillet passé vers l’hôtel “Le Marriott”. Le lendemain c’était une journée consacrée à la prise de sang, prise de photos, tracer la ligne frontale et les endroits où seront implantés les greffons, rasage de la zone donneuse et ensuite c’était l’opération qui a Commencé vers 13h15, fini à 21h30 pour 2500 greffons, on a commencé par une séance PRP, anesthésie (c’est l’étape la plus douloureuse où on crie 😮 et on pleure 🥹😭 mais j’étais fière de moi 😎 j’étais courageuse comme on me l’avait di, ,après je me disais :” Si tu veux avoir une belle chevelure 💁‍♀️ qui durera le reste de ta vie 🙏 ça vaut le coup de supporter la douleur de 2 jours “🤕
Bon bref, quand on a commencé l’implantation, je n’ai rien senti, car la tête est bien engourdie et il y a des moments où je me suis assoupie 😴
En tout cas, l’opération s’est bien passée, Dieu merci🙏.
La chose la plus importante dans tout ça, c’est l’accueil et bien sûr la qualité du travail fait. Pour mon cas, j’ai eu la meilleure équipe qui a pris soin de moi de A à Z : la communication avec la clinique est par WhatsApp, au début c’était le consultant Michael Karim sympathique qui répondait très rapidement à mes questions et m’a envoyé le devis, les explications , la réservation à L’hôtel, etc. toujours disponible 👍👌
Quand le jour de mon voyage s’est rapproché, celui qui a qui a pris le relais c’est mon consultant Timmy 🤩, c’est une personne vraiment professionnelle, sympathique, souriante, traducteur (français et arabe). Il m’informait de toutes les étapes, il me rassurait. Et qui était à mes côtés de A à Z et en contact tous les jours même après avoir rentré chez moi pour répondre à mes questions d’après l’opération et m’a envoyé les notices de prise de médicaments, instructions de lavage de cheveux et les conseils pour avoir un bon résultat final , je souhaite aux Personnes qui partiront à la clinique de l’avoir à leur côtés 🙏.
Ensuite il y a le chirurgien Kadir qui m’a fait la greffe et les super girls ( Süper kızlar) 🦸‍♀️ je cite : Nazle, Çilek, Safiye et 2 Buse 😁 super gentilles et professionnelles qui m’ont chouchouté tout au long de mon parcours, chacune a accompli son travail comme il faut 👌👍 et on a bien rigolé 😂 j’en ai gardé que de bons souvenirs. 🌞This is my best team 🤩🥰 .
Sans oublier Fateh, les photographes et Nuran 👍👌.
Quand au Dr GO, il est venu me voir pendant l’opération et demandé si tout allait bien, et une 2ème fois avant mon départ 👍.
Je n’oublie pas aussi, de remercier tout le personnel de l’hôtel ainsi que les chauffeurs, celui qui m’a cherché à l’aéroport ainsi que celui qui m’a déposé pour leurs services qui étaient au top👌👍 compréhensifs et souriants 🙂
À toutes ces personnes, je présente mes sincères remerciements 🙇‍♀️ et je leur souhaite bonne chance et une très bonne continuation 🌞🙏.Je serais très heureuse et j’aurais l’honneur de les rencontrer quand j’aurai une belle crinière🦁😁.

1001 mercis à toutes et tous 🙇‍♀️🌹

I’d like to share with you my experience of hair implantation, which I was always afraid to undertake, and what encouraged me were the testimonials of most of the people who were satisfied with the result, and the number of videos on YouTube that guided me to choose “Hairneva” Without hesitation, I’d like to thank you infiniment🙇‍♀️
So on July 17 I flew to the Marriott Hotel. The next day was devoted to taking blood samples, taking photos, tracing the hairline and the places where the grafts would be implanted, shaving the donor area and then it was on to the operation, which began at around 1.15pm, finished at 9:30pm for 2500 grafts, we started with a PRP session, anesthesia (this is the most painful stage where you scream 😮 and cry 🥹😭 but I was proud of myself 😎 I was brave as I’d been told, ,afterwards I said to myself:”If you want to have beautiful hair 💁‍♀️ that will last the rest of your life 🙏 it’s worth putting up with the pain for 2 days”🤕
Anyway, when we started the implantation, I didn’t feel a thing, as my head is quite numb and there are times when I dozed off 😴
In any case, the operation went well, thank God🙏.
The most important thing in all this is the welcome and of course the quality of the work done. For my case, I had the best team who took care of me from A to Z: communication with the clinic is via WhatsApp, at first it was the friendly consultant Michael Karim who answered my questions very quickly and sent me the estimate, explanations , booking at L’hotel, etc. always available 👍👌
When the day of my trip got closer, the one who took over was my consultant Timmy 🤩, he’s a really professional person, friendly, smiling, translator (French and Arabic). He kept me informed of all the steps, he reassured me. And who was by my side from A to Z and in contact every day even after I went home to answer my questions after the operation and sent me the instructions for taking medication, hair washing instructions and advice to have a good final result, I wish People who will leave to the clinic to have him by their side 🙏.
Then there’s the surgeon Kadir who did the transplant for me and the super girls ( Süper kızlar) 🦸‍♀️ I quote : Nazle, Çilek, Safiye and 2 Buse 😁 super kind and professional who pampered me throughout my journey, each one did her job as it should 👌👍 and we had a good laugh 😂 I kept only good memories. 🌞This is my best team 🤩🥰 .
Not forgetting Fateh, the photographers and Nuran 👍👌.
As for Dr GO, he came to see me during the operation and asked if all was well, and a 2nd time before I left 👍.
I don’t forget too, to thank all the hotel staff as well as the drivers, the one who looked for me at the airport as well as the one who dropped me off for their services which were top👌👍 understanding and smiling 🙂
To all these people, I present my sincere thanks 🙇‍♀️ and I wish them good luck and a very good continuation 🌞🙏.I would be very happy and I would have the honor to meet them when I have a beautiful mane🦁😁.

1001 thanks to all of you 🙇‍♀️🌹

Hair Transplant
Method: FUE
Age: 44
Grafts: 2500
Donor: Back of head and sides
Medication: Minoxidil
Gender: Female

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