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Natalia R. Updated on 19 Oct 2023
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Insparya Hair Clinic Italy

Price Range: $3,000 – $5,000
8.5 Reviews 3
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Clinic Details

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Insparya is a specialized hair transplant group with a dedicated focus on alopecia and the follicular unit, boasting over 14 years of experience, 10 centers, and a track record of more than 50,000 patients. The company aspires to be a catalyst for change, revolutionizing the field of hair transplantation. It brings together research, extensive experience, and a commitment to innovation in hair health. With cutting-edge technology and a team of numerous doctors and professionals, Insparya is a leading company in the sector in Europe. The vision behind Insparya originates from the personal journey of its CEO, Paulo Ramos, who aims to prevent others from experiencing the alopecia he faced in his youth. Co-Founder Cristiano Ronaldo's involvement underscores the values of dedication, hard work, and continuous improvement.

  • Video consultation:No
  • Location:Milan, Italy
  • Languages:English, Español, Italiano

Methods and Prices



  • No big scar
  • Minimally-invasive
  • More time-consuming than FUT
  • Head must be completely shaven

Pros and Cons

  • No big scar
  • Minimally-invasive
  • More time-consuming than FUT
  • Head must be completely shaven

Duration & Aftercare

  • 3 - 8 hours depending on the hair loss degree.
  • After the FUE surgery periodic check-up with the doctor are advisable but often not necessary.

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Insparya Hair Clinic Italy
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Diego Paoletti
Nov 30, 2023
Un mese fa mi
A month ago, I

Un mese fa mi sono sottoposto a un trapianto di capelli FUE presso la clinica di Milano. Il risultato, già notevolmente evidente, mi soddisfa. Ma soprattutto apprezzo la professionalità dell’équipe medica. La loro attenzione durante la consultazione, l’intervento e il follow-up mi ha davvero colpito – un dettaglio che non è garantito ovunque.

A month ago, I had an FUE hair transplant at the Milan clinic. The outcome, already significantly noticeable, pleases me. But more importantly, I commend the professionalism of the medical team. Their attentive care during consultation, surgery, and follow-up truly impressed me — a detail that’s not guaranteed everywhere.

Hair Transplant
Method: FUE
Gender: Male
Lorenzo Di Pà
Nov 22, 2023
Una settimana dopo il
A week after my

Una settimana dopo il mio intervento, sono ansiosa di lodare questo centro per il suo team competente e professionale. Dalla valutazione iniziale gratuita al giorno dell’intervento, si sono assicurati che mi sentissi a mio agio e mi hanno fornito una spiegazione approfondita dell’operazione. Dopo l’intervento, il loro follow-up è esemplare, offrendo un elenco dettagliato di cose da fare e da non fare, e sono sempre disponibili per qualsiasi emergenza o domanda. Sono molto soddisfatto del loro servizio e della loro chiarezza per quanto riguarda la cura post-trapianto, compresi i farmaci e il gonfiore. Questo centro è altamente raccomandato.

A week after my procedure, I am eager to commend this center for its skilled and professional team. From the free initial evaluation to the surgery day, they ensured I felt comfortable and provided a thorough explanation of the operation. Post-surgery, their follow-up is exemplary, offering a detailed list of dos and don’ts, and they are always available for any emergencies or questions. I’m very satisfied with their service and clarity regarding post-transplant care, including medications and swelling. This center comes highly recommended.

Hair Transplant
Jan 11, 2025
Nuovo anno nuova vita
New year new life

Trapianto effettuato 2 gennaio 2025.. Clinica top.. Personale preparato e professionale, ti mettono subito a tuo agio, ti senti come in famiglia… Lo consiglio vivamente!? Sono passati pochi giorni dal intervento ma fin ora mi ritengo soddisfatto

Transplant performed January 2, 2025.. Top clinic… Knowledgeable and professional staff, they put you at ease right away, you feel like family…. I highly recommend it!!! It’s been a few days since the surgery but so far I feel satisfied

Hair Transplant
Method: FUE
Donor: Back of head and sides
Medication: No
Gender: Male

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