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Pete Scott, MD Written by Erin D. Updated on 27 Feb 2025
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Statistics: 47 Countries with the Most Bald Men (2025)

Pete Scott, MD

This text was written according to the highest scientific standards and reviewed by medical experts. Find out more about our quality assurance.

Written by Erin D. Updated on 27 Feb 2025

Male pattern baldness affects millions of men across the globe. As a leading online platform for hair loss treatments with over 100,000 monthly users, we surveyed 4,284 people around the globe to find out which are the baldest countries in the world.

Most Important Findingssvg

1. Baldest Country Spain (44,50%)
2. Baldest Country Italy (44,37%)
3. Baldest Country France (44,25%)
4. Baldest Country USA (42,68%)

Hair Loss by Country

The percentage of male hair loss can vary significantly from one country to another. This is due to a variety of reasons including genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors.

Our study found that Western countries like Spain, Italy, France, the United States, and Germany have some of the highest percentages of bald men. Some other countries in regions such as Asia and South America also show high rates of baldness.


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The Baldest Countries in the World 2024

The top five countries with the highest percentage of male hair loss are all located in the Western region, with Spain (44.50%), Italy (44.37%), and France (44.25%) taking the lead. Overall, Western countries make up approximately half of the list.

The data also reveals that hair loss is not only limited to Western countries. It is a worldwide concern, with countries from different regions such as South America (Brazil and Argentina), the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates), Asia (Japan and India), Africa (South Africa and Egypt), and even Russia showing significant percentages of male hair loss.

Country Male Hair Loss by Population (in %)
1. Spain 44.50%
2. Italy 44.37%
3. France 44.25%
4. United States 42.68%
5. Germany 41.51%
6. Croatia 41.32%
7. Canada 40.94%
8. Czech Republic 40.90%
9. Australia 40.80%
10. Norway 40.75%
11. New Zealand 40.19%
12. United Kingdom 40.09%
13. Turkey 40.03%
14. Mexico 39.75%
15. Saudi Arabia 39.75%
16. Ireland 38.65%
17. Switzerland 38.53%
18. Russia 38.28%
19. United Arab Emirates 38.10%
20. Hungary 37.86%
21. Belgium 36.04%
22. Brasil 35.71%
23. Japan 35.69%
24. Sweden 35.14%
25. Iran 35.03%
26. Finland 34.52%
27. Greece 34.23%
28. Chile 34.07%
29. India 34.06%
30. Pakistan 33.64%
31. Portugal 33.57%
32. Israel 33.56%
33. Austria 33.44%
34. South Africa 33.13%
35. Netherlands 32.99%
36. Egypt 32.46%
37. South Korea 32.27%
38. Poland 31.78%
39. Denmark 31.61%
40. Thailand 30.94%
41. Ukraine 30.86%
42. China 30.81%
43. Argentina 29.35%
44. Malaysia 29.24%
45. Philippines 28.00%
46. Colombia 27.04%
47. Indonesia 26.96%

Why Is the Western World More Affected?

The Western world exhibits higher rates of male pattern baldness compared to other regions due to a variety of reasons. Some of the key factors include:

  • Genetics: Research has shown that Caucasians are more genetically predisposed to experiencing male pattern hair loss.
  • Dietary Habits: Diet plays a crucial role in hair health. Many people in the West consume a lot of meat and processed foods that lack essential vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair growth.
  • Nutrient Deficiencies: According to studies, deficiencies of vitamins B12, D, and others can also lead to hair loss. These kinds of nutrient deficiencies are found to be more common in Western populations.
  • Lifestyle Factors: High stress levels, sedentary habits, and limited exposure to sunlight can also contribute to hair loss in Western countries.
  • Age Profile: Western countries tend to have slightly older populations on average, which can contribute to higher baldness rates. For example, in the UK, the average age of men is 40 years. Meanwhile, some Asian countries with lower rates of baldness such as Indonesia and India typically have a younger population.

Does Ethnic Origin Influence Male Pattern Baldness?

Androgenic alopecia is caused by a genetic sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a byproduct of testosterone. By that definition, ethnicity plays a major role in the onset of male pattern baldness.

For example, studies suggest that Caucasians, particularly Northern European men, are more likely to experience male pattern baldness as compared to other ethnic backgrounds. Apart from influencing genetics, ethnicity can also be an indicator of lifestyle choices and diet as a result of cultural differences.

It should be noted that while ethnic origin does play a role in male pattern baldness, it is just one piece of the puzzle. Hormonal factors and age are also important considerations when it comes to hair loss in men.

Comparison to other studies

A study compiled by “The World Population Review” identified the “21 baldest countries” worldwide. One key observation was the high likelihood of hair loss in regions with large Caucasian populations. For example, the Czech Republic had the highest percentage of men suffering from hair loss, with more than 40 percent of its adult male population affected.

Another relevant survey by Trip Advisor Japan conducted in 2011 revealed that Japan had the highest number of bald men among Asian countries. Approximately 26.78% of adult males in Japan were found to experience hair loss during their lifetime. 

The study pointed out that when compared to Europe and North America, Asian countries generally had lower rates of baldness. However, despite ranking 14th globally, Japan was the baldest among Asian nations. 

The research also sheds light on diet and lifestyle factors as potential contributors to hair loss. Czech Republic’s high consumption of meat and limited vegetable intake is considered to impact the population’s hair health.

Just like Medihair’s research, both studies found a high percentage of male pattern baldness in European and North American regions along with some Asian countries like Japan.


Male pattern baldness varies by country, region, and ethnicity but is also influenced by lifestyle, hormones, and age. 

Furthermore, 24 out of the 47 countries with the highest percentages of bald men are located in the West. The Western world and Caucasians in particular may be more prone to hair loss due to genetics. Other countries in Asia, South America, Africa, and the Middle East also show significant rates of male baldness.

Our data has been gathered directly from a large sample size online to provide a more objective view compared to studies conducted by hair restoration societies. By circumventing potential biases associated with clinic-collected data and prioritizing transparency, we aim to provide a more accurate picture of the global landscape of hair transplant procedures.

Study Design

Our study on the percentage of bald males by country employed an online survey distributed through social media and various channels. It involved a substantial dataset of over 4,000 individuals (n = 4,284), surpassing the sample sizes typically found in medical society reports (e.g., ISHRS: n = 200).

We took deliberate steps to ensure the study’s representativeness, maintaining significant and unbiased sample sizes per country. We avoided preselection and bias by not requesting specific participation from Medihair users. To further validate our findings, we conducted a sanity check using both Medihair user data and Click Stream Data from Google.



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