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Natalia R. Updated on 25 Oct 2023
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Dr. Maria A. Muricy

Price Range: $3,000 – $5,000
7.3 Reviews 2
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Clinic Details

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Dr. Maria A. Muricy heads the Clinica Muricy which is based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. After graduating in 1994, Dr. Muricy specialized in dermatology and published multiple journal articles in the field of hair transplantation. She has travelled around the world from the US to Argentina and Europe to learn from international experts. Over the course of her training she performed more than 4000 hair restoration surgeries. Today, she runs her own clinic in Brazil and provides cutting edge services to customers from around the globe.

  • Video consultation:No
  • Location:São Paulo, Brasil
  • Languages:Inglês, Português

Methods and Prices



  • No big scar
  • Minimally-invasive
  • More time-consuming than FUT
  • Head must be completely shaven

Pros and Cons

  • No big scar
  • Minimally-invasive
  • More time-consuming than FUT
  • Head must be completely shaven

Duration & Aftercare

  • 3 - 8 hours depending on the hair loss degree.
  • After the FUE surgery periodic check-up with the doctor are advisable but often not necessary.

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Dr. Maria A. Muricy
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Jul 21, 2022
A minha ignorância foi exposta durante a consulta
My ignorance was exposed during the consultation

Por vezes, quando vai consultar um médico, pode estar a ter ideias pré-concebidas sobre o seu estado. Contudo, especialistas médicos como a Dra. Maria S. Muricy estão tão excepcionalmente equipados que não deixam nenhuma pedra por virar durante a consulta. Tive toda a minha ignorância exposta e saí com os factos certos. Estou contente por ter consultado.

Sometimes when you go to see a doctor, you may be having preconceived ideas about your condition. However, medical experts like Dr. Maria S. Muricy are so exceptionally equipped that they leave no stone unturned during the consultation. I had all my ignorance exposed and came out with the right facts. I am glad I consulted.

Aug 29, 2022
Tinha perdido a esperança de voltar a ver o cabelo
I had given up hope of ever seeing my hair again

Ver a minha cabeça ficar careca de dia para dia deixou-me sem esperança de voltar a ver cabelo. Para piorar ainda mais a situação, corre nos genes da nossa família porque o meu falecido pai era careca e os seus irmãos também. Fiquei muito duvidoso quando o Dr. Mario me garantiu que ainda podia crescer cabelo nas áreas carecas através de um transplante de cabelo. Até hoje, estou surpreendido com os resultados.

Watching my head go bald day by day left me with no hope of ever seeing hair again. To make matters worse, it runs in our family genes because my late father was bald and so were his brothers. I was very doubtful when Dr. Mario assured me that I could still grow hair on the bald areas through a hair transplant. To this day, I am surprised by the results.

Hair Transplant
Method: FUE
Donor: Back of head and sides
Medication: No
Gender: Male

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