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Mike Kaine, MD Written by Erin D. Updated on 5 Mar 2024
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How Much Hair is Normal to Lose in the Shower?

Mike Kaine, MD

This text was written according to the highest scientific standards and reviewed by medical experts. Find out more about our quality assurance.

Written by Erin D. Updated on 5 Mar 2024

You will be happy to know that losing hair in the shower is actually normal. That said, you do have to closely monitor how much hair you are losing because if it is above a certain threshold, then the signs may point to hair loss. Fortunately, this guide answers how much hair is normal to lose in the shower along with some other important questions related to the topic.

Most Important Findingssvg

Normal hair loss 50-100 hairs per day
Why do I lose hair? Hair Cycle
What can I do? Use a wide-tooth comb...

How Much Hair Loss is Normal in the Shower?

People with healthy hair lose about 50 to 100 hairs per day. This phenomenon is known as hair shedding. And it usually goes unnoticed by most people until they start seeing visible clumps of hair gathering near the shower drain. Individuals with long or thick hair can even expect to lose 150 to 200 strands per day.

This can obviously be distressing, especially when you cannot calculate how many strands of hair you are losing in the shower daily. But what might put you at ease is learning why hair shedding occurs and why it’s necessary.

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Why Do I Lose Hair in the Shower?

Our hair usually goes through a life cycle with multiple stages. These stages include:

  • The anagen phase, also known as the growth phase
  • The catagen phase, also known as the transition phase
  • The telogen phase, also known as the resting phase

Hair that reaches the telogen phase starts to gradually make way for new hair-growing hair follicles by falling out in clumps. Brushing your hair or showering actually stimulates these resting hairs, causing them to fall out in one fell swoop rather than a little at a time. 

A popular study also states that about 85-90% of your hair are in the growth and transition phase at any given time. Which explains why you only lose about 50-100 strands of hair on a daily basis. 

With that said, if you are losing more than that on a daily basis, the reasons could be different. For example, some medications or over-the-counter drugs can actually trigger hair loss, which only activates when your hair feels the pressure of the water. 

Emotional trauma or stress can also cause telogen effluvium, a condition that accelerates your hair’s life cycle, causing excessive shedding. 

Hair Growth Cycle

Does Shower Frequency Matter?

Yes, shower frequency can certainly affect the rate of your hair loss. There are a few reasons for that as well. For instance, if you tend to use shampoo and/or conditioner on your hair every time you shower, then that can actually contribute to hair loss. 

These products do not directly cause hair loss, but they make your hair brittle so that each strand snaps off that much quicker. This can give the effect of thinning hair, but actually, this is still just normal hair shedding, albeit a bit more pronounced. 

Taking frequent showers with hot water can also weaken your hair. So make sure you keep the water at a moderate temperature if you do take 3-4 showers in a week. 

Lastly, blow-drying your hair every time you get out of the shower can also contribute to hair loss, so make sure you control that as well. 

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What Can I Do Against Hair Loss?

Losing hair in the shower is perfectly normal, and there is not much you can do about it except ensure that the water temperature is at a moderate level. However, you can control the hair you lose as soon as you come out of the shower. 

Using a wide-tooth hair comb, for example, can help detangle your wet hair better while preventing breakage. Moreover, it is also important that you take your time when brushing your hair to make sure you do not damage your already wet and tangled hair. 

Lastly, we would also advise reserving the use of heat styling tools for special occasions only, as frequent use of these tools will only lead to more hair breakage and hair loss




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