When can I exercise again after a hair transplant?

Dr. Karen Owen

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Written by Matilda H. Updated on 22 Aug 2024

Hair transplants have fairly short recovery periods as compared to other surgical procedures but you still need to take extra care for a few weeks after the surgery. One of the activities your doctor will advise against or limit is exercise. Learn more about how to transition back into your exercise routine after a hair transplant.

When can I start working out again after the hair transplantation?

If you are eager to hit the gym or continue your exercise routine after a hair transplant procedure, there are some important guidelines you should keep in mind. Typically, doctors advise against any kind of strenuous activity for the first five days after the surgery. This is a period where you will need a lot of rest to heal from the operation. 

If sitting back and relaxing is not your style, you may be allowed to take a light walk that does not cause excessive sweating. After those first few days, you can slowly incorporate more exercises. Most surgeons recommend resuming your normal exercise routine at least 14 days after the procedure. You may still have to hold back on high-contact sports such as rugby, swimming, football, etc. 

It should be noted that the recovery process is different for every patient and your doctor will craft a personalized program for you to follow for the best results.

What are the risks if I start exercising too early after a hair transplant?

The main goal after a hair transplant surgery is to allow the newly transplanted grafts to settle in, promote hair growth and prevent infection. Exercising too early can not only dislodge these fresh grafts but can also increase the risks of infection.

Here are some risks of exercising in the initial days after the surgery: 

  • Excessive Sweating The accumulation of sweat on your scalp can irritate it further, causing redness and discomfort. To avoid the risk of sweating, doctors recommend performing light low-impact exercises for two weeks after the transplant. You should also avoid direct sun exposure.
  • Dislodging hair grafts – Newly transplanted grafts are quite fragile in the first five days to two weeks after the surgery. This is when they are most susceptible to being dislodged and damaged. Exercising can cause friction or movement on the scalp consequently making it highly risky during the recovery period.
  • Straining – Straining during exercise increases the pressure on your scalp, adding to the risk of dislodging grafts that have not fully settled in.
  • Infection – Coming into contact with the dust, debris, and bacteria in gyms can cause infection during the recovery period when your scalp is most sensitive. That is why it is ideal to avoid going to the gym or participating in high-contact sports in the first 14 days after your surgery.

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What exercises can I do 1 week after a hair transplant?

The first five days after a hair transplant should be dedicated to rest and recovery. It is advised that you avoid all forms of exercise or strenuous activity if possible. After one week, you can slowly start incorporating light exercises such as walking and yoga into your daily routine. At this stage, sweating can still be a risk factor so it is crucial to skip exercises that are too fast-paced and cause strain on the scalp. 

Some exercises to avoid include cardio such as jogging, swimming, etc. If you notice an increase in discomfort and swelling, you should reduce exercise intensity and consult your doctor right away.

Exercises after 1 week (Low intensity):

  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Cycling
  • Other light exercises

What sports can I start 2 weeks after a hair transplant?

After the initial two weeks, patients can return to their regular exercise routines including high-impact exercises such as weight lifting. At the 14-day mark, your hair grafts should be well settled and rooted into the scalp. 

However, recovery looks different for every individual so if you are still experiencing sensitivity after the first 14 days, you should consult your doctor for a personalized regimen.

Exercises after 2 weeks (Low to Medium intensity):

  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Cycling
  • Weight lifting
  • All other exercises except high-contact sports
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What workout can I start 4 weeks after a hair transplant?

One month after the hair transplant procedure, you can return to your regular fitness routine. This includes high-contact sports such as swimming, rugby, football, etc. At this point, your scalp should be completely healed and the grafts should be safe from getting damaged.

Exercises after 4 weeks (All exercises):

  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Cycling
  • Weight lifting
  • High-contact sports such as rugby, football
  • Swimming
  • MMA, boxing, combat sports
  • All exercises are permissible

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon after the hair transplant can I work out again?

Can I lift weights 2 weeks after a hair transplant

How long after a hair transplant can I run?



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